Blood vessels visible just beneath the skin surface are often found around the nose,
cheeks and chin. They have become abnormally enlarged due to heredity, excessive sun
or some skin conditions such as Rosacea (adult acne). They are also exacerbated by trauma, i.e., picking at the skin.
A Year-round medical grade sunscreen, topical (+/- oral) antioxidant treatment and avoiding
trauma is strongly recommended. Flushing can be triggered by heat, alcohol and spicy foods.
Avoidance of these factors (including washing with cooler
water and even refrigerating skin care products) can be of benefit.
For the greatest improvement we recommend Intense Pulsed Light and vascular lasers.
These are the gold standard treatment for facial flushing.
Our IPL (intense pulsed light) device also has a long pulsed Nd:YAG laser component. It is designed to release its packet of energy only when it reaches the red (blood vessel) target and offers a number of treatment settings that allow us to tailor the treatment to suit the caliber and depth of your visible blood vessels. A spot weld is created within the blood vessel with minimal effect on the surrounding tissue. More extensive and stubborn vessels require more than one session. Older treatments such as cautery caused non-specific tissue injury, with greater likelihood of scarring.
Discomfort is very brief and can be described as a short, hot snapping sensation. A very cold gel applied just before the treatment minimizes this sensation and protects the upper layer of skin above the treatment target blood vessels. There may be minimal redness for 3-5 days. Stubborn vessels may require settings that cause small localized bruising. We are mindful of your social schedule when arranging treatments for stubborn vessels.
The potential for temporary bruising is proportional to the size of blood vessels. It is therefore better to treat when the blood vessels are smaller rather than wait until they have enlarged. Larger vessels may also be less responsive to IPL and laser therapy.
Some may recur. However, people who have facial broken blood vessels can count on getting new ones over the course of their lifetime, which can also be treated. Maintenance treatments are therefore recommended. These ideally take place while the blood vessels are smaller caliber and more treatment-responsive.
IPL Photorejuvenation addresses the irregular brown
discolouration of mature, sun-damaged skin as well as the broken blood vessels.
Overall rejuvenation would be enhanced by the addition of
neuromodulator, filler, diligent sunscreening and medical grade skin care products.
To book a consultation phone 905.664.5850 or use our online Consultation Request Form.